Monday, November 07, 2005

The Hairy Story Continues.....

Today's a landmark day in my young life of exactly 23 years and 10 Months.For the first time in my life,I'm FREE to choose my hairstyle.As I've mentioned in an earlier article, I've till now been on the losing side in my fight with my hair to make her stay in some position. But now, I've grown my hair long enough to be able to dictate to her what style i want her to be in, and make her stay that way!!
I've parted my hair in the center now.And wonder of wonders, she's staying that way!! Before, she would stay the way in which i had shaped her till the next time i moved my head and then, all of her would come crashing down onto my face.
As i gain more confidence in my hair, I'm goanna try out more and more hair styles-The more outlandish the better.
I'm finally free......Hurray!!
7Cne -The Coolest Dude8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Congrats !!!

- Anon