Saturday, July 09, 2005

Bangalore is cool

Funny Start
Here I am sitting in a I way paying money and creating my blog.......Sound funny when u know that i have high speed net connexion at office and i can do it in a more relaxed manner,and can write more without worring abt the time.
But what to do?? Since i'm working in a project for a japanese client, my system is loaded with Windows XP - Japanese version and these Google guys have coded their blogger page in such a way that it automatically detects my language settings and i get all of my google pages in nice graphic japanese....and i can make nothing out of it.
I've gotten accustomed to this being the case with my working environs......didn't think this could intrude on my fun life too....Anyway, i hope that once i've created and configured the bog, posting wouldn't be that tough!!

Lets see.......
