Thursday, March 16, 2006

Mail Forwards : Isn't this wrong?

This post is about the indiscriminate forwarding that we software engineers do.Its an accepted fact that on any normal day, more than 30% of mail traffic among the corporate mail ids are forwards....But there's nothing wrong about Mail Forwards as such!!
I am a sucker for forwards-I read ALL the forwards that i receive and selectively forward the best ones to my friends in my forwarding list.And many of the forwards are pretty informative and are of some value.
But, there's one type of forwards that i absolutely HATE and am constantly urging all my friends to abstain from.That is - forwarding of images of other non-celebrity people.Forwarding pictures of Aishwarya rai is fine-in fact she would be happy to hear abt it.The forwards i'm talking abt are those which have pictures taken of normal people having fun/in embarassing situations.They are people like u or me.....who have been caught on camera without their knowledge.U can say , these types of photographs are a little voyeuristic.
The people having corporate mail accounts can remember that there was a document recently making rounds in the mail Fowards circuit which had pictures of girls who were having fun in Saraang (IIT chennai sultural fest). Those people didn't seem to have been aware of the fact that their pictures would become a forward. Just think of how embarassing this would be for them.
In fact, this is illegal!!
Today, I got a picture of a completely drenched girl playing holi - as a forward.
I don't know this gal...but I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate the fact that thousands of guys are drooling over her ahem.....well......ample voluptuous assets.
With her picture come as a forward, pretty soon, it'll be circulating all over the globe......and will be seen by thousands and thousands of people.
Did the person who took the photograph take her permission before he took this foto?
Did he/she inform her that he'ld be posting her picture on the net/forwarding it to everybody ?
IF not, What are the chances that the gal would get a chance to ask these questions to this guy?
What wrong did she do to deserve this?
What will her parents undergo when they hear of / see this?
OK...she was having some fun!! But is that a crime? Isn't she entitled to some privacy?
We cannot stop perverted guys from doing this...but can't we atleast stop forwarding it to our friends whenever such a forward comes into our mailbox?
We can just delete it!! Atleast we'll be doing our bit to stop the chain.
I strongly URGE u to act in a responsible and matured way.This 'mail forwards' is a powerful weapon which can either make or break a person. The onus is on us to use it carefully and in a positive manner!!
These are my thoughts......maybe I'm misguided and in need of a different view of the situation....but do post ur thoughts on the subject as comments!!
7Cne -The Coolest Dude8


Karthik ,K.N said...

i second tht man..

man people should be aware of the things tht might happen after such kindo mails..i too saw this i was also taken aback by the mail..but after ur blog it made me think abt the consequences ..kudos for bringin this thing up...i feel many muz read this blog..

Noorul Islam said...

I feel the same.

Neel Arurkar said...

"That is - forwarding of images of other non-celebrity people" : You counting yourself as a celebrity? ;-)

Waise, I agree with you on the privacy issues. We were at a picnic when taporis took pics of girls who were with us. Girls spotted this. Exposed the film roll to sunlight!

Karthik ,K.N said...

Thadi enda mole...

Thadian 's mole..dint think abt it..may be ...neways i feel since coorg has got lot of malyalis..this name muz have originated from them..i am not too sure...

Anonymous said...

Thats a very good thought. I would appreciate if ppl could forward the last portion of your writeup as forward instead! :)

யாத்ரீகன் said...

i read this post before, but wasnt able to comment the same day.. and today i come back just because, i recieve a bunch of mails of desi indian girls personal snaps... be it porn kind or not, its thier personal snaps and who did dare to sneak through them and publish it across to everyone... i just got remembered of your post and came back now...

remember, we too during our college days had personal snaps, which we take it for OUR fun and not for someone else in the other corner of the globe to njoy our privacy....

when it comes to girls, the issue is more sensitive as its a social issue...

atleast i make sure that i delete these posts instead of forwarding it to another set of ppl... (even if its a celeb or a non-celeb)..

Gaurav said...

Absolutely. We should not promote these kind of mails.

tamizhppiriyan said...

Very genuine request and I think every responsible individual will do what you have mentioned.."Hit Delete!"


Rainman said...

Hey, Cne, I agree with you man. Forwards are the most irritating things in a person's mailbox. I refrain from forwarding mails to people, irrespective of the nature of the forwarded e-mail.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cne...

You have received my approval :D

Forwarding work related mails, when it is time to leave is also wrong :D