Sunday, March 12, 2006

Blogging after a looong time.

There's this wierd thing about creative, perfectionist and lazy people........and since I'm all the above, in my case, this is manifested in myraid forms.A lot of creative thoughts come to my mind, and prompt me to take action on them - like some idea that would make a nice blog.And they all come during convenient situations like when I'm in the loo or riding my bike - when its almost impossible to immediately pen them down.
But, since I am LAZY, I use my creativity to think of all sorts of plausible sounding excuses to put off the actual writing - after all thinking is effortless, and so i am willing to do quite a lot of that.
Once the creative juices start flowing, its not hard to manufacture a rock-solid excuse. My longest serving one being that I imagine myself as a great perfectionist and so, i will either do something perfectly, or not do it at all!!
This argument sounds pompous enough and has enough quirky logic in it for me to be able to convince my conscience that I'll do it later when I have enough time to do it perfectly.......which in a perfect world would have meant as soon as i got out of the loo, but in the real world, more often than not means 'NEVER'.
This phenomenon is not a new one and i have its manifestations in many mutant forms......the front end may be different, but the basic logic in the backend almost always remains the same.
I have a very close friend of mine who revels in dreaming BIG - and he doesn't consider day dreams as being counted. The ideas in his dreams are as BIG as the quantity of time he dreams. And since the only way to dream is by sleeping, he unfortunately has to do a LOT of this important ativity. In fact soo much that he's 'earned' the epithet of 'dead body' among our class junta.
Those of u who had the mis-fortune to 'study'....sorry, come to 'college with me' in my class would have recognised the guy I'm talking about.
And in order to reduce my liability for libel action against me, I'll refrain from using his real name.
Alas, I'm digressing.Coming to the point, this guy would register for and write all sorts of competitive exams.The number of exams that he writes would be almost 70-80 % of the ones he registers for. And most importantly, he would follow the following interesting logic.
1. He would assiduously and compulsorily refrain from studying on the exam subject till the night before it.Then, he would spend spend like 3-4 hours dreaming about why he had wasted all the time before.By this time, it would be 10 PM and since its nearing his dreaming time, would promptly eat his mandatory 2 idlys and go to sleep. hen, he would get up at 5 in the morning and spend another 2-3 hours trying to find out which questions would come in the exam.
2. But since he is such an innate genius, he would get good enough marks.
3. When he gets these marks, he would immediately work out that IF he's got this much marks by not studying, how many marks would he have got IF he had really studied.
4. This will really motivate him.
5. But when the next exam nears, he will start from step 1, instead of from step 3 and so, keep on doing the same thing again and again......with the same results.
But i don't feel sad about the wasted talent , as getting marks in college exams requires more of skill in creative writing than in actual knowledge -  a point which i sadly realised only in my 5th semester.Thats why my 6th,7th and 8th sem marks show a quantum leap compared to my earlier marks. (Even though u could argue that it maybe be due to the theory of relativity).
Its a paradigm shift I hope every college student makes as soon as he/she reads this post!!
May GOD save India from its budding Engineers!!
7Cne -The Coolest Dude8
Live ur life NOW,there will be plenty of time to sleep later, when you're dead.


Anonymous said...

Dei Motta ku........That was a good one da..i enjoyed reading..By the way, its been ages since u mailed me.. ***!

Cne Rocks>> said...

@Anonymous : yeah!! ur right.Its been ages since I've mailed to anonymous people.Nice of u to not give ur name, otherwise i'ld have mailed u!!
Intelligent guy, though nameless!!

யாத்ரீகன் said...

@prev comment reply :-)))))) i think he/she thought only he/she addresses you by that way... but anon, thatz cne's 2nd name ;-)

but cne.. dreams without foucs or action end up as yet another dream and dreamer.. so to make a change, we do need dedication & hardwork , its not like you dont know it.... but i thot, its a point to be remembered here..

Beuls said...

Awsome read! :)
Iam very much like ur dreamer friend except I stayed awake in class to chat with my pals...
Fortunately though, I discovered the art of creative writing when I was in 8th grade...
Long Live Madras University!!!