Friday, January 27, 2006

Cne's Musings....

I've always thought of this anology of Fishes very apt to describe people. We are all fishes in this river called Life (or u can even think of it as time) flowing towards the sea called death.Irrespective of all happenings, the river keeps on moving inexorably towards the sea. We fishes have only the time till we reach the sea. We are usually born in a small pond. We are sheltered from the river by our parents,relatives & friends.Life's mostly predictable and nothing much of earth shattering consequence happens to us.The pond gives us the time and space to grow strong enough to face the river some time in the future. There's competition, but its not life threatening. Then, when once we finish college, we are let out into the fast flowing river called life. The first few days /months of freedom are exhilerating. We are free to roam around and explore.We meet more and more fishes - each one different. We make new friends, new enemies.
But, sometime or the other we suddenly realise the true nature of the RIVER.There are predator fishes which eat the smaller fishes.There's cut-throat competition to just survive.There are fishermen who catch and eat u.Some of the food that we eat turn out to be poisonous.There's a brutal current which is taking us all towards the sea. Thats when we realise that the time we have is LIMITED,very limited.
We have two choices, We can either flow downstream along WITH the current or swim upstream AGAINST it. The default is WITH the current.So, some fishes live their entire without making a choice just because they didn't even know that they had a CHOICE.In the end, they realise that they've lived a life of little consequence.
Some fishes realise this fact. Out of these many don't choose to excercise their power to decide and end up in almost the same position as the former.
A few fishes make the choice and take ACTION. These fishes swim upstream AGAINST the current and discover that there's a whole new world out there. And logically thinking, these fishes end up in the sea much later than the others and consequently, live longer. Their's is a life really LIVED. They are the ones who build for the future. They are the ones who are of some use to others. These are the fishes which live a life of CONSEQUENCE.
For all fishes, there comes a time when they have to peel off from their peer group, from their friends group, come out of their comfort zone, and make this decision.Because, this is a decision no one else can make for u. U cannot copy others - That wouldn't be deciding. U have to make ur own decision.And since all of us are different, each of us makes a decision unique to him/her self.
Thats when we realise that GOD created all of us diferently, because all of us were created in this world to a specific purpose - each of us has a unique job that ONLY we can do. But GOD didn't pre-program us with our purpose. Thats what we'll have to discover for ourself.Thats a puzzle that we'll have to solve before we die.Thats our DESTINY.
I guess that the best way to go about solving this puzzle is to ponder upon what is it in our life that we LOVE to DO the most.There in lies the path to the fulfilment of our destiny.Its hard to let go of the shackles of habit and mediocre thinking that we've grown up with.Its hard to take a risk. But ONLY when u take the risk do u know what lies beyond.
So, its all a matter of choice.If U don't choose, then LIFE chooses for u.Either way a choice is MADE!!
Wouldn't it be better if the person who makes the CHOICE is U?
7Cne -The Coolest Dude8


Matter of Choice said...

hey cne

very interesting analogy...and u actually used my screen name "matter of choice" :)....this is an interesting analogy...the river of life...swimming with the current or against the current...hope u r doing the latter :)

well i am anish mathew from 1990 batch..u didnt tell me ur name so i dont know whether i recollect u..anyways great to bump into another kazakh in the web. u should definitely go to thats the website of our alumni group. you can ask for a log in from the sys admin of the website..just state ur roll no etc..and once u can log in u shuld be able to find the details of ur batchmates..alternatively..u can join the e groups for the entire alumni ie


Anonymous said...

enna machi, philosophical musings-aa...? pinra pooo......good analogy.

யாத்ரீகன் said...

hmm.. cne rite post at the rite moment... since the time i'm meeting our guys out here i've been asking everyone the same question and thatz what i was penning down in my diary..

would like to talk to you in person than thro the comments :-) meet you at the upstream man...

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you rock, Cne, but why no more posts? Gave up?

Ramprasad said...

I am actually reading this a lot lot late. I had come across this a long time back.
I just had a mental not that one day I should read this and today here I am .
The anology is awesome!.
To bring an old comment back. why no posts ???